Invite me to your institution! Covering the Space Race, women pioneers in science fiction and space science, politics and zeitgeist of the Cold War, the doomsday predictions of classic science fiction, and more, I have made dynamic, entertaining talks across the nation, provoking thought and (at appropriate times) laughter and applause.

Popular presentations include:

  • Hidden Figures: the Women Pioneers of Space Science
  • What Science Fiction got Wrong…and Right! (and how you make the future)
  • Beyond Star Trek: astrobiology in the 1960s
  • White suit, Red suit: the American and Soviet human spaceflight programs, 1958-1966
  • Unveiling the planet of love: Mariner 2, the first interplanetary probe to Venus
  • The first giant leap: robots to the Moon–Pioneers, Rangers, and Lunas
  • The Hell Up There: the discovery and importance of the Van Allen Belts
  • Before Sputnik: the Space Race before 1957
  • Better than Dune (or you can trust science fiction over 30!) — the best SFF of the ’50s and ’60s
  • Strange New Worlds: How we discovered the planets beyond our solar system, and the exotic secrets they hold

From primary schools to universities, libraries to museums, clubs to conferences, I’m comfortable appearing online through video chats and in person. I’m also a frequent guest for interviews and round tables, both video and audio.

Engagements beyond the San Diego/Los Angeles/Inland Empire megalopolis will require a flight. Speaker’s fee is negotiable based on travel time and distance (particularly with non-profit or educational institutions). Travel and lodging expenses are expected to be covered, as needed.

Fill out the form below to reach me!